Hi Folks, 

I hope you are holding up under these still trying times. These frigid temperatures, I am sure, have kept lots of us indoors, with a full glass of something to warm us up. We are still operating in the safe manner that we have found to be an effective way to ensure your comfort and safety.

We have extras of all the Special Editions that have been offered so far. When they are gone, they are gone. Don’t miss out on these special wines.

We also have great news to share for those who enjoyed the Grand Cru Pinot Grigio. A new Ontario Pinot Grigio with a flavour profile of the Grand Cru version will be arriving in March. More info will come regarding this exciting edition to the Cru International line.

 It brings me to the news that starting March 1, all wines will be going up by $2.00 per kit. I am sure you are aware that the world has gone through great economic challenges over the last 2 years. We have not escaped those pressures. I am keeping the increase low, so not to pass on even more financial burden to you than you have endured with rising gas and food prices, but I can’t absorb any more increases without passing on a small portion to you.

I hope you all continue to be kind and take care of one another.


Brenda Spencer

Owner, Main West U Brew Wines

 February 2022 Wine Specials

 Cru International  – $7 off

All Varietals 

 Winexpert  Classic– $7 off

All Varietals