Beware the Ides of March.

Actually, I don’t know what an Ide is, so I am going to keep going forward.

First the bad news, a reminder that the wine is going up $5.00 a kit for 4 weekers and $6.00 for 6 weekers March 1st.  That’s the end of the bad news.

Spring is within arm’s reach, so let’s keep warm thoughts until we complain its too hot. Here are the sales for this month:


March 2023 Wine Specials


Cru International – $7 OFF!

French Rose (Rose)
Italian Sangiovese (White)


Cru Select – $8 OFF!

Italian Amarone (Red)
New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc (White)


En Primeur Winery Series – $9 OFF!

Italian Super Tuscan (Red)
Australian Riesling Gewurtztraminer (White)


Winexpert Classic – $7 OFF!

Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon (Red)
Chilean Sauvignon Blanc (White)


Winexpert Reserve – $8 OFF!

California Merlot (Red)

As always, regards from your trusty vintner,

Brenda Spencer
Owner, Main West U Brew Wines