Cheers to April!

Wine bottles gathers at the centre table for cheers!

Happy Spring, folks!!

As we speak, those mountains of plowed snow are shrinking, and I am getting the first sightings of both robins and snowbirds. Welcome back to both.

A note to say that the rise in tax on commercial wine, beer and spirits have absolutely no effect on us here. I sell you juice. No tax on juice. I also sell you our ability to craft wine to your tastes, and you pay the tax on the aid and equipment of the production of that craft wine. A win for us.

I hope you find this month’s specials appealing. Don’t forget we still have plenty of the RQ23 wines left. The last one of the series, Chenin Blanc Chardonnay Viognier is released this month. They would be great to put down now for drinking at Christmas. The price increase did not affect pricing on these wines. Still available for $215.00 a batch. 

Here are my sale varietals for April:

April 2023 Wine Specials:


 Cru International  – $7 off

Argentinian Malbec Syrah (Red)

German Riesling (White)

 Cru Select  – $8 off

Italian Rosso Grande (Red)

Italian Bella Bianca (White)


 Winexpert  Classic– $7 off

 California Vieux Chateau du Roi (Red)

California Chardonnay(White)


 Winexpert  Reserve– $8 off

Australian Cabernet Sauvignon (Red)

 Australian Chardonnay (White)

Enjoy the sunshine and the flowers that are starting to reach for the sky.


Brenda Spencer

Owner, Main West U Brew Wines