Fall in Love with February Wines

Happy Short Month of Winter!!

So far, we have been pretty lucky with the weather, and the really good news is making 6 week wines this month will be ready in the spring!!

Time to look ahead to what you want to have in your glass when the flowers start to bloom. Or to what you would like to be enjoying in you glass in the next month to celebrate the coming of spring.

 That’s the good news. Now here comes the not so good news. Inflation.  Craft wine making always been a terrific way to fight the high cost of living. We have been fortunate, in that, we have not had significant price increases in the last couple of years. I am sad to report, that is about to change. I am afraid I have to pass on a significant increase of $5.00 per kit across the board for 4 week wines and $6.00 for 6 week wines. I have tried my best to keep increases to a minimum, but this is beyond my ability to absorb. On your end, it merely changes the per bottle price on 4 week wines by $0.17 each. There are few things right now that can say they have only gone up that much. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

 Perhaps, taking advantage of our sales this coming month will help.

 February 2023  Wine Specials:

Cru International – $7 off

Italian Nebbiolo (Red)

Italian Verdicchio (White)

Cru Select – $8 off

French Merlot (Red)

Italian Bell Bianco (White)

En Primeur – $9 off

Chilean Malbec (Red)


Winexpert Classic – $7 off

Chilean Diablo Rojo (Red)

Californian Viognier (White)


Winexpert Reserve – $ 8 off

Californian Riesling (White)

Don’t forget the special editions of RQ23, LE22 and Passport are arriving monthly. There are still limited quantities available, with the February offerings of Australian Merlot, Australian Pinot Noir Merlot Syrah and Argentinian Malbeca Bonada Syrah arriving this month.

As always, take care of yourselves and those around you.

Brenda Spencer

Main West U Brew Wines