New Year, New Wine Sale! | January 2021 Specials

New Year, New Wine Sale! | January 2021 Specials

Happy New Year, valued customers and friends!

We are locked down again, but we will re-open January 5, 2021 after a well-deserved rest by our hardworking and committed staff. And when we do reopen on January 5th, we will remain by appointment-only with just one bottler at a time. We will be happy to bottle any wine that you don’t feel comfortable doing yourself. It is the least we can do with your show of tremendous support through these uncertain times. You have no idea how much your patronage means to us.

Also, a reminder that our price on the Aid and Equipment part of the invoice is going up by $3.00. This reflects my increases in labour costs as well as the added expense of keeping things safe for everyone. We have also been hit with a sizeable tax increase. I have dropped the cost of the wine a little to help buffer the increase in this price. I do hope you understand.

Other things of note – I have readjusted pricing on all Passport Series Wines – Now only $195.00! Great value for a great price. If you did not pre-order, don’t worry, I have ordered some extra.

The light at the end of the tunnel is in sight. Be safe and I look forward to hearing from you in the New Year!

Warmest regards and cheers,

Brenda Spencer
Owner, Main West U Brew Wines

January 2021 Wine Specials

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Private Reserve – $10 OFF!

All varieties!

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Grand Cru – $5 OFF!

Valpola (Red)

Cru Select Box Main West U Brew Wines

Cru Select – $8 OFF!

Italy Nebbiolo (Red)
Italy Bella Bianca (White)

Cru International Wine Kit Main West U Brew Wines

Grand Cru International – $7 OFF!

Argentina Malbec Syrah (Red)
South Africa Chenin Blanc (White)

EnPrimeur Winery Series Wine Kit

En Primuer Winery Series with Grape Skins – $9 OFF! 

Chile Carménère (Red)
Chile Chardonnay