Cru International Holiday Wine Sale
Hello, fellow wine crafters!
This winter season we are excited to introduce our Cru International Holiday Wine Sale! All Cru International varieties are $4.00 off!
Cru International wine kits are made specifically for Craft Winemakers who want to elevate their daily meals with international wine styles. These wines highlight the unique tastes of the most acclaimed varieties of both old and new worlds. Many of the red wines also feature GenuWine Winery Dried Grape Skins – a patented process that preserves the grape skin ‘fresh from the vineyard’ aroma. Each kit contains 12 litres of superior quality grape juice and concentrate that, in as little as 5 weeks, will make 23 litres of your very own distinctive craft holiday wine.
Sale ends December 31, while supplies last. To view our collection of Cru International wines, click here.