Eggnog, shortbread and glasses of wine, oh my!!

That’s right, its eating and drinking season once again. I hope that all your magical wishes come true. Now I only have abilities to make certain of your wishes come true, that being to fulfill your wine order, but let’s not ever underestimate the magnitude of that ability.

I would be remiss if I didn’t issue some state of the union address in my last newsletter of the year. Due to ongoing pressures that we all are facing, I have no choice but to put an increase of wine prices, as of January 1.  4 week wines will be going up five dollars a batch, 6 week wines will go up six dollars, and En Primeur and Private Reserve will go up seven dollars per batch. This makes all the Limited Edition and Restricted Quantity wines a great value at $225.00/ batch.

Cork alone has doubled in price, and I am taking steps to help ease that pressure by introducing synthetic corks for those who don’t store their wine for any length of time. This type of cork does a fine job for short to medium terms of storage.

Rent is also skyrocketing, here is no different. I also pay a portion of the property tax and we know municipalities are cash strapped. Gas, electricity, transportation and telecom have all gone way up. And I haven’t even addressed the wine kit increases, and labour cost increases I have faced this year.

Yet I still come to work with a smile on my face, because I truly believe that we provide excellent product at affordable prices, that are still a fraction of the cost of commercial wine. I have a smile because I know I get to chat with you while you bottle your wine. I treasure these discussions.

On that note, here are the sales for December. Hmmm, seems like a good time to order for next year.

December 2023 Wine Specials

Cru International – $ 7 off

All Cru International Wines


We invite you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. I wish for you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a very Happy New Year. 

Warmest Regards,

Brenda Spencer and the staff at 
Main West U Brew Wines

Thanks again from the bottom of my heart.